Senin, September 19, 2011
pandangan saya mengenai orang rimba
Jumat, Juni 17, 2011
Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows part 2

Kamis, Mei 19, 2011
WheN Avril Concert

Rabu, April 20, 2011
5th anniversary
wauwww ... sudah lebih dari satu bulan postingan ini dijadiin draft,, ampe lupa kalo foto-fotonya udah ke upload ^^ maaf yaaaaaa . Well, 1 bulan yang lalu kurang lebih , kami merayakan anniversary yg ke 5 tahun.. ahahahah romantis dikit getoooooooooooooo
Senin, April 11, 2011
Daging Gulung Penuh Cinta ^^

Jumat, April 08, 2011
Meet Dr. Harris

Meet Dr.Harry G. Harris, Ph.D President & founder of Healthcare California last Friday are amazing experience to meet this great person. He spend all of his life in govermenth (non profit) in california. He served at The White House, Office the Secretary of Defense and National Alliance of Business. HealthCare California is a locally- owned and operated home health agency providing a variety of home health and medical service in central california. Their mission is to be the premier home health agency in the Central Valley. they provide exceptional home health services to patients and referral sources. They will always operate with the highest ethical standards and fairness in all of our dealings with patients, referrals sources, employees and suppliers.
In the first session, he talked about globalization. , based on his opinion globalization it’s a new turn. Globalization related with people in the world in era technology has developed and impact in every sector especially in economic. But, in that session he interest with the globalization and economic topics. According to him, globalization is need to increasing democracy, because globalization is a term to economic life. For example, the last month we look what happened in Japan, as the result of tsunami disaster the economic downturn. Another example, like crisis in Libya that impact to oil industry and cause increasing the world oil prices.
Take a look China, china has experience economic growth from 8 – 9 %, today they continuing the invention. The Chinese economic is the great developing in the world. Including Indonesia, dr.Harris said Indonesia is not the same like 30 years ago, Indonesia has growing, more people can visit Indonesia. We need the population to educate, and the globalization is opprtunity to do that. There are so many student in Indonesia, we need the competiton to be better, and we must hve desired to convidence to have some good learning and education. Beside that, globalization is also create job creation.
Because of the situation today, the stag market is going up and down. This is not good for economixc condition, we have to growing economic. There are somw primaly challenge to do that like Insecurity, continue pressure, and nassive changing. In our generation, we can utilize the technology to increasing the economic.
In the last session one, dr.harris list the conclusion , there are:
- Globalization is the key to improve
- We have very dinamic conditions
- Globalization is ongoing process
- Globalization make a better product or competition
- Globalization also interact with developing, training and services to company, it much better in delivery services.
- Economic growth will continue in the economic world
- Globalization came about we are suistanable, we have to except this process also suistanable
Second session he talked about the enterpreneurship, as we know he is
The founder of healthcare California, actually 95% patient of healthcare are above 50 years old . According to dr.Harris he said, enterpreneurship is individual who want to do something contribute in society. Example, in technology invention , take a look Apple, the research tell us that indonesia people is one of the biggest population that really aware with the new technology.
To become an enterpreneurship, we have to be dinamic and creative. Succesful eneterpreneur is one to go out. There are some challenging to become enterpreneurship:
- Financing, how we do to get that?
- Government regulation
- Culture problem, stigma. Example japanase people never accepted the failed, they will try and try until succes.
Minggu, Maret 13, 2011
We DID IT ^^
What is Takakura ?? oke,, aku gak akan menjelaskan panjang lebar mengenai apa itu takakura karena sudah banyak kok yang menjelaskan mulai dari sejarah namanya,,dan step by step menggunakan takakura, bisa kalian baca di sini .

Pertama-tama pastinya mengeluarkan terlebih dahulu mulai dari kain hitam pembungkus takakura, dan bantal sekam. Oh ya, disisi keranjang dilapisi sama potongan kardus, ini gunanya untuk menyerap air,supaya gak bocor keluar dari keranjang.

Ini dia si Bantal Sekam itu, bantal sekam ini berfungsi untuk menyerap air disekitar keranjang, sehingga keranjang tidak basah dan takakura pun tidak berbau. Sekam ini kata lainnya kulit padi, bisa didapatkan di tempat pengolahan padi, atau kalian bisa krim pesan ke aku, nanti aku kasih tau no yang bisa dihubungi untuk membeli bantalan sekam yang sudah jadi seperti digambar.

Selanjutnya masukkan sampah, ada baiknya sampah - sampah organik tersebut dicacah dulu, kenapa agak tidak menumpuk dan saling membaur dengan Biang Kompos tadi.

Setelah sampah dicampur, masukkan kembali bantalan sekam, dan tutup keranjang dengan kain hitam yah. Kenapa kain hitam? karena hitam menyerap panas, sehingga panas didalam takakura tetap terjaga.

Reuse the garbage with GROPESH
di Sesi kedua, kami belajar untuk mengolah sampah sampah an-organik, di pertemuan kali ini kami menggunakan sampah-sampah pembungkus makanan bagian aluminium foilnya, itu loh kalian suka makan makanan keq chiki, atau wafer-wafer kan, nah bagian dalamnya yang putih itu yang namanya " aluminium foil". Ternyata selama ini cara kita untuk mengatasi sampah dengan membakarnya itu tidaklah menyelesaikan masalah, malah menambah masalah diudara kita. Nah daripada bingung,lebih baik sampah-sampah ini kita olah menjadi sesuatu yang lebih berguna...

Mr. Aloy from GROPESH ,,sedang menjelaskan mengenai pentingnya pengetahuan dalam memilah sampah berdasarkan jenisnya.

and this is the result ^^

Sabtu, Maret 05, 2011
Surat untuk Tuhan
Kamis, Maret 03, 2011
Holiday Dadakan ^
Tujuan Utama Kami adalah kawasan wisata Gunung Mas ,, berangkatlah kami dan tiba diaerah puncak sekitar jam stgh 3 an, perut sudah mlai terasa laparnya ( belum makan siang -___ - ) . Akhirnya kami pun memilih makan siang di raflles resto,, ini nih fotonya ...

Selasa, Februari 22, 2011
Sampai bertemu lagi Sahabatku

Jumat, Februari 11, 2011
First Tie for my dad
gimana pendapat kalian??? baguss gak dasinya?? hehehehehhe
Selasa, Januari 18, 2011
Award Pertama

accepting this award, i am asked to do the following:
1. thank and link to the person who awarded me this award.
2. share 8 things about myself.
3. pay it forward to 8 bloggers that i have recently discovered.
4. contact those blogger and tell them about their awards.
- Papi, Mami adalah alasan kenapa aku masih tetap bertahan di sini. Aku berjuang demi mereka.... yang penting bsia bikin bangga orang tua duluuu...
- Fajar, itu = 1/2 aku. intinya aku+ fajar= 1.
- I'm a Potter Mania... heheh
- Sayur adalah makananku
- watch the movie adalah hobiku
- Paling gak suka waktu tidur diganggu
- makan tanpa pedas keqnya gak mungkin
- paling gak suka dikacangin .
menunggu " transjakarta"